And a good visual metaphor for this summer, which has been an explosion of activity. With many glorious and delightful distractions including:
Katey, a niece visiting.
Fandemonium, a fun convention where I gave a workshop on "Storyboarding Your Manga: Treats and Tricks, Pros and Pitfalls."
A fun birthday party.
The upcoming True West Film Conference.
These are a few of my wonderful distractions over the past two weeks. Party. Party. Party.
So, how have I stayed with my w.i.p. and been productive? Ain't been easy. Been a struggle.
One way: get up early and write a couple of pages. Difficult as I am not a morning person.
Another way: make sure to honor my writers' group and have pages for the group, no matter what.
Still, hard. Not to mention trying to keep everything (work, house cleaning, living) up. And blogging, well...you may have noticed.
So readers, have any suggestions? Since glorious distractions are in many ways simply life, how do we stay creative and creating?