NaNoWriMo's been going on for over a week. What I've learned, so far, is:
My, but our minds are sneaky, unconscious little devils. Amazing how they can divide into conscious and subconscious and even unconscious compartments. The editor lurks, ready to spring on the unsuspecting, trying-to-just-write writer with, "Slow down or better yet, stop. Because this isn't working, not really. Oh no, that plot won't work, better go back to the drawing board and start over. Better rewrite the last scene before you try a new scene. You'd better--"
Well, you get the idea.
One of my solutions? To realize that the editor is only trying to help. The editor has a job and just doesn't know when to do it. So I'm gentle with said editor and say, "That may all be true, but right now I'm writing rough draft. You'll work later." If the editor continues, I get firmer and more specific, "Hush up until I finish this page, chapter, whatever."
Okay, so I'm talking to myself.
What do you do to turn off the editor? How do the edit demons sneak up on you?