My favorite story of Halloween is of my very first one. I was three and wore my bunny pajamas and my dad carried me around the apartment complex where we lived. Such an adventure! And candy too!
Do you celebrate the holiday? Have a Halloween story, fun, silly, sad, scary to share? Please do.
I always forget about Halloween until it is too late. So my lofty goals for the most creative costumes can never be met, thus I never dress up. Then again, when I wore costumes as a kid, I always felt silly, so maybe it's a good thing I never dress up.
But I like candy.
Sounds sensible to me, Nicklaus, and you do like candy...
I remember being so scared when I was about five because the house had a dog that wore sunglasses and he met us at the door. Great fun!
Hi Carol! A dog wearing sunglasses, hmm, his usual attire?
All the kids that stopped at my house this year wanted to take my dogs instead of getting candy. I kept asking them why they wanted to eat my dogs. I don't think any of them got the joke.
Or were you living in Indonesia at the time? (I'm not being prejudicial, I've been to Indonesia and could have sampled dog--and even picked my own out...)
Missed the Trick or Treaters this year because we went to see David Sedaris...my birthday treat for my husband.
I met said husband at a costume party. Thought I'd be really sexy so I dressed up as a skunk. Okay, not so sexy, but he liked it!
I didn't celebrate Halloween. Oh, we turned on the lights and had candy ready, but no trick-or-treaters ventured from the road, down our windy drive and rang the bell. Ah well, more Snickers for my DH and son.
Straight From Hel
You have reminded me of how frightened our daughter was the first time I took her out trick or treating. She was about three, and I guess I should have explained that all those monsters and weirdos were "just pretend." But we had read many picture books about Halloween together, so I thought she understood. Mea culpa...
The kids stopped trick or treating in our neighborhood about ten years ago. Now they all go to the mall where the stores give out free candy. I guess that's best, especially with all the sicko's out there these days. I wouldn't want my kids running around the neighborhood.
But when I was a little guy, we did it all. We'd knock on your door and yell, "trick or treat" and if you didn't give us any candy, out came the soap bars and we'd mark up your windows. The next day you could easily see all the houses who had refused to go along with the program. But one night, the scariest thing happened...
We were inside the dark yard and about to soap a window when this huge man in a Frankenstein costume, who had been hiding in the black shadows, sneaked up behind us and scared us half to death. We screamed all the up the street.
Now you'd think that something as scary as that would have made us calm own a little when it came to soaping windows, but nope, we were at again the very next year. I miss those old times.
Happy trails.
Kathy, that's a great story! Love it!
Helen--Snickers are my weakness, they would have never made it to Halloween.
Lynda--my niece was terrified of Chucky Cheese when she was three. She had night terrors for months after...
Swu--great story, as usual. And we're fortunate to live in a real neighborhood where people know each other and the kids can go trick or treating. We had 52 kids this year!
Conda, I chose Snickers because I don't like them. (I did not choose Butterfingers.) ;0
I just jumped over here to apologize. I was trying, for the first time ever, to remove inappropriate comments from my blog. I thought I was clicking the correct trash can, but when I returned to my blog, I found I had deleted your comment. I'm so sorry.
Back I go to try again. I have nothing against Viagra. I just don't like the advertiser hijacking my 'name the kitty' blog to market their wares.
Anyway, we still have not agreed on a name for new kitty. We're going to pull a 'winner' from a hat some time today so we can send a book to someone:-). You name will be in the hat.
Charlotte Phillips
Oooh, Butterfingers...Helen I think I have a problem and it's called candy!
Charlotte, no worries! I, too, have accidentally deleted comments. Technology is great when it works.
And your adorable kitten will have a great name, whichever you chose.
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